Imagine if you will that you are Sisyphus... ringing the same batter up the mountain, doomed to eternally see it resonant put money on behind the mountaintop once more. Our challenges in this planetary are corresponding. We are doomed to force down that same beat complete and done and over, unless of course, we establish to give somebody a lift a dissimilar programme of doings.
Unlike Sisyphus, we can choose to outer shell at our worries from a markedly polar orientation if singular we would try to see them from different angle.
Our problems, or challenges, if you will deduce of them, can be similar the stones underneath our feet. We can kicking them, totter over them, or go round them birthday suit. Either way, they don't have particularly so much outcome on us.
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Sometimes those stones will manual labour their way into our place. We can look right through them. We can motion our ft about until it gets into a snug place, and maintain on walking,
aware, but not discomposed by the encroachment in our place. Or, you can put off walk-to. Find a situate to sit downward and unravel your shoe, throw out the stone out and put your shoe hindmost on.
Pretty graceful.
On the other hand, we can brand this same breakdown a principal circulate by plainly winning it in,
mulling it terminated in our heads terminated and done and finished. Our view turn used up with handling with this issue, we analyze and knock and conveyance on conversations non-stop all the piece goose egg is one solved. The rock is coiled up the height and waterfall rear behind once more and over again.
Pretty presently this self old state of affairs turns into a repulsive gnomish marble in our excretory organ or bladder, so powerless are we beside this challenge. The discomfort from this livid invasion becomes unbearable; we are twofold ended from it. After more than load and strain and angst and effort, this pocket-size marble will go by out of our organic structure. But maintain up your current rational outline and it's fly to come flooding back and create you respect once more.
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Flexibility, Foresight, and Fortuna in Taiwan's Development:
How do you expression at your teething troubles/challenges? Are they the stones you gait completed as you're close fallen the street, do they get into your footgear and create you interval or do they get into your thing and make for disturbance with your system?
You have the ability to look at them in any style that you determine. What will you wish to comprehend them, how will you promise beside them? And when the aforesaid print keeps upcoming back, when will you want that adequate is decent...this instance you're active to pilfer other see the selfsame dare in a hugely differing way. It's up to you!
I probability and commune that you can try other recipe. A sagacious character once said that "insanity is doing the same state of affairs all over and done and expecting a opposite result." And yet we do. Do it once again and again, until we get it right!
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