Aerobic exercise is for men and women. The idea that aerobics is just for women is due to a stereotype and nothing more. It originated during the 1980's when fitness started to become the in-thing. The latest craze was aerobics classes that were taught by women, and thus had women students. They went to their aerobic exercise classes with the leotards, stockings, and leg warmers. Due to the popularity of aerobic exercise and dieting, their associated clothing articles also showed up in music and other popular culture! However, the female and male roles between what was acceptable and what was not acceptable were still remnant from the 1950's. They had only changed form. Men worked out in the gym, and women went to aerobic exercise classes.
The old days of aerobic exercise being just for women is over! Exercise is exercise, and that's it. Women participate in weight training, body building, and even martial arts! All of these were once male only sports or competitions. The same can be said of men when it comes to aerobic exercise. There are no more sexual connotations made about a man that enrolls in any form of aerobics class. What is the reason for this change$%: The reason is that men that have taken these aerobics classes finally found out how difficult aerobic exercise classes truly are!
Aerobic exercise is on of the best high impact cardiovascular exercises that you can do for your body. To be able to continuously conduct an active aerobic exercise program for an entire hour is not an easy endeavor. There are a lot of aerobic exercise class first-timers that have to cut the class short, or even take several breaks. The eventual result, by maintaining attendance in the class and program, is that you will achieve the ability to complete an entire aerobic exercise class without feeling that you're about to either cough up a lung, or pass out from exhaustion. Your endurance will build itself up to much higher levels, and you will notice its elevation when you do other activities which require endurance.
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Is aerobic exercise for you$%: Before taking on and sudden changes in diet or exercise, you should always consult your physician. They will help you to understand whether or not you should participate in an aerobic exercise class or not. If you have a history of respiratory or cardiovascular problems, they may recommend that you don't participate. Breathing hard and elevated heart rates are mandatory for aerobic exercise. Also, high impact exercise can me murder on your joints. Any severe joint injuries can definitely impede upon that endeavor. All of this will become apparent when they conduct your physical during your normal annual checkup. Take your doctor's advice, whatever it may be, and, if you're given a clean bill of health, enjoy getting and staying fit through aerobic exercise!
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